Bidders Highway
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Cookie policy

Some personal data is collected while using Bidders Highway. For all users, we collect IP-address, timestamp, and some technical data about your device. The purpose of this collection is to maintain the security of the website, and to analyze and improve the functions offered by Bidders Highway. For users who are registered and logged in, additional data is collected:

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Address
  • Country
  • Latest login timestamp
  • Language preference
  • Swedish Personnummer (when logging in using BankID)

Before bidding, users will also need to register a credit card. The collection and processing of this data is necessary for ensuring correct functionality of the Bidders Highway platform and the fulfillment of our terms and conditions.


Bidders Highway are using the following subprocessors:

Google Analytics: Measures the number of visitors to the website and analyzes how they navigate around. Appsignal: Error reporting, if an error occurs on the website, error information and some contextual data is sent to the subprocessor. Stripe: Used for payments.

Cookies on Bidders Highway

Full listing of cookies used:

First-party cookies

  • _highway_session, login data and CSRF (session)
  • banner, Cookie banner (1 year)

Third-party cookies

  • _ga, Google Analytics (2 years)
  • _ga_0MY9NCN1QM, Google Analytics (2 years)
  • _gcl_au, Google Analytics (2 years)
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Do you want to keep track of new cars coming in? Signing in as a member of Bidders Highway is easy, and free. You can save searches, bookmark auctions, and participate in bidding!

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